Tumblr & Little Wins

So a couple of days ago I couldn't sleep. I was so worried about this farm, being the farthest behind in the mortgage in my five-year history here. Today I mailed a payment, and while I am still behind I couldn't stop smiling as I dropped it off at the mailbox. Why? Because part of the money in the bank paying for the roof over my head came from drawing again. Intact is now a legit webcomic, and already has followers on Tumblr. Readers who follow me on Facebook are commissioning art. Folks are buying cartoon versions of their cats and dogs, horses and mules. And I am getting back the joy of drawing in the American Animation style I love so much. People who have never met my dogs are starting to get to know them. Gibson, the wiser, older, calm and smart farm dog. Friday, the total goof off who brings much needed light into the farm's life. Income is coming in from art. I am really happy about that. It is encouraging as hell.

Want to follow Intact: follow me on Tumblr here.

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