Laird & Caroline

Here are the two new additions from the Romney, I am calling them Laird (ram lamb) and Caroline (ewe lamb). Here they are around 4:45AM. I had already carried the dead ewe lamb out to the field and set it by the mother. She lay beside it until 6:30AM when she then left it and walked over to the lamb shed and let her other two nurse. Once I had bottle fed the two out of Split Ear and saw all the rest were well - I headed in and caught exactly and hour of sleep from 5-6AMish. I made sure after that hour to head back outside to make sure all was well with Laird and Caroline, which is when I saw their mother waddling over. I put down fresh bedding in their shed, brought up another bucket of blue Bounce Back for the moms. And set about the usual chores. I was inside and by the fire, ready for more sleep, when I heard a truck pull into the driveway. It was Greg Stratton and his team, here to butcher two pigs. I had forgotten the appointment in all the fuss. I sighed, got dressed, combed my hair, and went outside to help.

Right now what I want is to head back to bed but I am sipping Death Wish Coffee instead. I have a few hours of Orvis work I need to get in to hit their deadlines. After that, I am going to splurge on a good nap. A good, long, nap.

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