It's All Old Kinderhook

Well, a girl can't ride on her high horse forever, can she? After my Warrior Weekend of fighting arctic temps and keeping every pig ear and sheep nose frostbite-free, I woke up this morning to bursting pipes flooding the mudroom in the back of the house. Talk about a smack back to reality! I walked down stairs, turned off the water, and inspected the problem. Looked like a PVC drain snapped. It was still frozen and soon as it thaws I'll repair it. I might even avoid the plumber!

Honestly, I didn't even care. I mean, it is a pain in the ass and means time out of the day for repairs and mopping and a wet shop vac, but compared to what could have happened to this place this weekend - I skated. And I knew exactly how to turn off the water and found the problem and a plan is in place. The girl who bought this place had no idea how to shut down systems or repair pipes or any of that. To me, even this room full of an inch of water is a win - because it is a problem I know how to solve. Okay, maybe not a win - but a bar set higher for next time. Next time it won't happen.

Did you know Okay, is a saying from here in Upstate NY? It was the slang term for anyone in the Old Kinderhooks - a club from back in the time of men's lodges and social organizations. If you were part of that group, you were OK, and that meant a cool guy. It stuck. I learned that from Silver Linings Playbook - a movie you should all go watch again. Make some crabby snacks and homemades and enjoy!

I'm off to get as presentable as a woman without running water can get and head south to pick up 2 pigs worth of pork. I have the first bought-in co-owners coming to pick it up this week and a delivery to make today, but besides that my afternoon is all graphic design and office work for Orvis. At least I hope so. I can fill my day with design clients, but I am hoping to have a steady stream of tasks from the off-farm-on-farm gig as well. Hours were reduced, but sometimes work gets pushed me way and every bit helps!

I loved the Grammys last night. Watched it under covers with my dogs here on this little laptop. I couldn't get into the live stream for a long time, and when it finally clicked on there was Anna Kendrick, introducing the next performance. I laughed out loud at the kismet, then watched the pair she introduced, Kelly and Bay nail an amazing acoustic duo. That show really is the best concert of the year. I live-posted about the whole thing on Facebook and loved interacting with some of you guys late into the night. My college roommate chimed in as well and it felt like we were back in our old apartment with cocktails heckling. So much fun.

Hollywood and Homesteading aren't as distant as both sides like to think. Not at all, the furniture is just different. At heart it's two different camps of creative and unreasonable people defying convention and following idealistic dreams. For some of us that means ponies and wood stoves and stalking deer with a longbow. For others it means screenplays and red carpets and getting seen and heard by as many as possible. Everyone running on the fumes we call hope, we are the same.  It's all Old Kinderhook.

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