Every 3 Hours

I feel that while this blog is public, it is insanely niche. No one is reading about this lambing season unless they are invested in this one-woman story. I feel drunk right now, and it's not on booze but on a lack of sleep. I just walked up into the field and saw Split Ear, a 10-year-old ewe with a hoo haa red a firetruck. I would not be surprised if by 6Am there was a pair of lambs in the farmhouse curled up by the wood stove. Friday is over her first heat and Gibson never got his paws on her so she doesn't need to spend the night in the crate anymore. It's okay to give it over to some babes. I have the colostrum out and ready.

I wanted to run 5 miles today to see what that felt like. I didn't. Instead Patty invited me over to soak in her hot tub and that sapped any running energy I had. But I felt better after an hour in the hot water. It was kind of like a nap. I came home, did chores, started some freelance work, and realized then it was time to check on the flock again. It is a tie between Split Ear and the Romney ewe. I have no idea which will lamb first but my alarm is set for every three hours. I am on it.

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