Mama Knows Best: Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Here at Partners of the Americas Agriculture and Food Security Team, we treasure mothers. There have been numerous articles about the positive effects of empowering and educating women, especially mothers, in developing nations (click the links to read more).

Everyone knows how powerful mothers can be, and the mothers that work with the AFS Team are no exception. Back in March, we posted this blog entry for International Women’s Day about the Mother Leaders in the Haiti Nutrition Security Program, highlighting the inspiring work that Magalie Hubbert is doing in her community. To honor World Health Day, we shared the story of Simone Fertile’s efforts educating about child nutrition, and then we celebrated the graduation of a Mother Leader class at the end of April. But that’s not all- recently Justin Hackworth (@justinhackworth on twitter) traveled down to observe and photograph some of the Mother Leader’s in action, working in their communities to educate other mothers and families on mother and child nutrition. 

Of course, Haiti isn’t the only place with amazing mothers, though there are plenty. Volunteers with the Farmer-to-Farmer program have also been working with mothers in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. In 2013 we gave our own tribute to F2F participants for International Women’s Day, telling just a few of the many stories that encourage and inspire all of us on a daily basis.

So as you’re thanking your own mothers or the special women in your life, take a moment to remember all the mothers out there that are working to make a better world for their children and their communities, and celebrate them!

“Yo pa ka achte moso manman nan mache.” - One can’t buy a piece of mother in the market (Mothers are irreplaceable). Haitian Proverb

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