Partners' Farmer-to-Farmer Program Gaining Traction in Guatemala

Partners' Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer, Paul Przybylowicz, and field officer Andrea Fión make national tv in Guatemala during Dr. Przybylowicz's assignment with a small specialty mushroom agribusiness, ONGOS, S.A. Dr. Przybylowicz arrived to Guatemala on February 15, 2015 to train producers at ONGOS, S.A. in the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms on logs, a process that is much cheaper than their current cultivation processes on sawdust. Dr. Przybylowicz holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and is a professor and Academic Dean of Curriculum of Environmental Studies at Evergreen State College. He also is the author of the Shiitake Growers Handbook: The Art and Science of Mushroom Cultivation. It is an honor to have him participate in our program.

Watch the video on his work and the Farmer-to-Farmer program in Guatemala here:

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